Rayados Waller Academy and SAY Soccer Terms and Conditions

(1) I release Say Soccer Houston, Waller Youth Soccer League, and Rayados Soccer Academy (including its agents, employees, counselors, volunteers, trainers, and field owners) from all liability for any injuries or losses incurred while participating in the soccer sessions (practice, games, etc.). (2) In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize the training staff to act for me according to their best judgment. I also grant permission for my child to be given treatment at a local hospital if it is deemed necessary and certify that he/she is covered by medical insurance and I am responsible for all expenses. It is understood that every attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian before treatment is started. (3) There are no limits to my child’s participation except as stated in writing (section “additional comments on the back”). (4) I understand that photographs and video footage taken of my child during the soccer tournament sessions (practice, camps, games, etc.) may be used in future advertising or marketing, and I consent hereto. I have read, understood, agreed, and consented to the above terms and conditions.